To widen the outreach of Sarawak State Government effort in realising that nobody shall be deprived of a roof over their head, Mutiara Mortgage & Credit Sdn Bhd is implementing Islamic Financing products and businesses complied with Shariah requirement.
These new / enhanced Home Financing Packages will benefit a wider range of B40 group to own a house.
List of Approved Developer for HDRAS
(As of 7/01/2025)

Rumah Spektra Mutiara (RSM)
Rumah Spektra Mutiara
Rumah Spektra Mutiara (RSM) program is an affordable housing program for Sarawakians in the B40 and M40 groups who intend to build comfortable and quality residential houses on their own land. This program prioritizes landowners allocated by the Sarawak Land & Survey Department under the Village Expansion Scheme (SPK) and Resettlement Scheme (SPS) throughout the state of Sarawak.
Eligibility Criteria
Sarawakian with the status of Permanent Resident of Sarawak.
Land owner to apply financing with Mutiara for the construction cost.
Owner of the land Approved by Land & Survey Department (L&S) on allotment of land under Skim Pembesaran Kampung (SPK) / Skim Penempatan Semula (SPS).
Other type of registered vacant residential land is subject to the land size is compatible with the minimum building setback requirement by relevant authorities.

Type 1

Type 2

Type 3


Financing Scheme
Mutiara Home Financing Scheme (MHFS) Application Forms
Financing the purchase of social housing by Housing Development Corporation (HDC) and State Government Agencies.
Mutiara Affordable Home Financing Scheme (MAHFS)
MAHFS is designed to cater the financing need of the affordable house buyer such as Spektra Medium, Spektra Permata and Sri Pertiwi Housing Program.
Mutiara Dream Home Financing Scheme (MDHFS)
A scheme to cater for Skim Pembesaran Kampung (SPK) and Skim Penempatan Semula (SPS) by Sarawak State Government. MDHFS to finance the cost of building construction of the house on the allotted piece of land.
To cater the personal need of SARAWAK STATE CIVIL SERVANT and any other employee under the Sarawak State Agency and its Subsidiaries, with profit rate as low as 3.00% p.a. (flat).